savage desk logo blanc included in the subscription

Savage Desk works in partnership with the platform, which allows you to index your articles in search engines.
All your articles published from the platform go through * at no extra cost!

*You can disable the option in the settings if you wish

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Add your AI or human items

To automate and accelerate the indexing of all your URLS.

It's a huge time saver, since you'll be able to control it all, simply from your Savage Desk dashboard.

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the advantage

All your articles indexed from Savage Desk with

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The process

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    Each article published via Savage Desk benefits from automatic indexing by

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    You don't have to do anything, no need for an account, our API will automatically make the request

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    Rank quickly

    It's ideal for selling link on platforms like Nextlevel or other, take advantage of Nextlevel API to get the latest needs and get your content written quickly.

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